Monday Motivation: Stay At Home but Keep Moving!
We know you definitely need some Monday Motivation right about now.
It’s official – Lagos and Abuja are being locked down. What does this mean? Apart from essential services like health, food retail, petrol distribution etc, other businesses and workers are to stop the movement for the next 2 weeks. It’s a welcomed development and hopefully will go a long way in stopping the spread of the Coronavirus in Nigeria, as Lagos & Abuja are the worst hit.
Now, what does this mean for you? If you don’t fall in the categories listed above, this means you stay at home. No going out, just stay indoors.
Now, for you, this could go one of two ways. It’s either you spend the next 2 weeks or more sleeping, eating, watching movies and basically just being a couch potato. Or you see this time as the pause you need before the push.
Now is the best time to get prepped &prepared and develop the habits you need for a better life post-COVID-19.
Here’s what I mean;
Mental Growth
There is no doubt that this pandemic has taken its toll on most people mentally. The basic fact that we have to stay indoors can be very worrisome for more people. But it doesn’t have to be. Now is a great time to check on your mental health and make the necessary adjustments. Start meditating in the mornings, take time to reflect and visualize who you want to be and redefine your life. Work on your positive affirmations and positive thinking. These habits will prepare you for reentry to the world and set you up for a better life.
Academic Growth
With the world going through it, now is a better time than any to achieve academically. Take up a new course and learn a new skill. Study a new language and improve your academic standing. There is no reason why you can’t come out of this pandemic with more degrees, more knowledge and more insight that will better set you up for success in your life.
Academic platforms are offering major discounts and free courses to the world to help keep us motivated and mentally active during this time. Take advantage of that. Sign up for courses, you now have the time to do that and achieve more.
Spiritual Growth
For a lot of us, the day starts with checking e-mails and seeing what happened on social media while we were asleep. We hardly spend time praying, meditating or in worship. Spiritual health, though most times undervalued, is essential to overall well being. It is important that we take our spiritual health seriously and now you have been afforded the time to do that.
Kick-off your days better and form the habits of being spiritually grounded. This will help set you up for a more cognizant life and keep you centred as we overcome this pandemic together.
Physical Growth
This might be the most important right now. Studies and facts have shown that you need to have a very active immune system to fight off the Coronavirus – this means your health is top priority right now. Sign up for fitness apps, join the Instagram LIVE exercises by fitness leads like UziKwendu and Kemen Fitness and keep your body in shape. Also, eat the right things to boost your immune system. This is important, not just for your survival, but in leading a better life.
Do not let this time pass you by without taking advantage of it. This pandemic will be over soon – the question is, who will you be when it’s over?
Monday Motivation
Remember to practice social distancing, if you’ve been in contact with a confirmed case, self-isolate, and keep your hygiene levels high and hydrate as much as possible.
We will get out of this together.
Photo Credit: Gary Vaynerchuk via Twitter @GaryVee
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