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Sis, those Cloth Face Masks Might Not Be Effective! Here’s How to Know

Sis, those Cloth Face Masks Might Not Be Effective! Here’s How to Know

How to Know if Cloth Masks are Effective

If you’re wondering how to know if cloth face masks are effective then welcome, you’ve come to the right place. And chances are the one you’re wearing aren’t.

Thanks to COVID-19, face masks have become a necessary part of everyday living. Not just to gain access to public spaces but as our own way of ensuring this pandemic comes to an end soon. We’ve seen all sorts of face masks out and about – from N95s to handkerchiefs-turned-face mask. And we appreciate the creativity. But just cause your nose and mouth are covered doesn’t mean you’re keeping the right things out and the right things in.

So, let’s break down the kinds of masks out there and what you should be looking out for. Masks typically fall within 1 of 3 categories – surgical masks, N95s and cloth masks.

Surgical Masks

How to Know if Cloth Masks are Effective

These masks are very thin paper masks designed to keep the flow of germs and pathogens from leaving the wearer. This means, if you are sick and don’t want to infect anyone, this is the mas you should be wearing.

N95 Respirators

How to Know if Cloth Masks are Effective

The N95 respirators are thicker and more effective masks that block the transmission of germs and pathogens both ways. This means it protects you from inhaling germs and protects others from inhaling your germs too. Now, because of the grade and effectiveness of these masks, they are typically only reserved for healthcare professionals who need them to treat infected patients. This is why a lot of governments as that the general public refrains from using these masks so there isn’t a shortage for the healthcare workers carrying out their duties.

Cloth Masks

How to Know if Cloth Masks are Effective

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These are the types of masks recommended for the general public and can be made from a number of fabrics. However, for these mass to be effective, there are a few boxes they have to tick. These are also a great way to know if your cloth face masks are effective.

They must;

  • fit well on the sides of your face without leaving space.
  • have provision to be secured properly on your face with ropes or ear loops.
  • allow you to breathe comfortably and not restrict your breathing in any way.
  • have multiple layers of fabric to give maximum protection.
  • be washable without losing structure or shape.

If your cloth masks tick all these boxes, then you’re good to go. Ensure you always wear your masks in public spaces and if you need to discard them, do so properly to keep those around you safe.

If you have any ideas on caring for our cloth masks, don’t hesitate to share.

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