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Monday Motivation Matters: 5 Trademarks of Successful People

Monday Motivation Matters: 5 Trademarks of Successful People

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation time and we are excited for this new week. Why? Because it’s another chance to make sure 2019 ends the way we want it to – successfully.

So what are we focusing on today? The trademarks of successful people. Oprah, Jack Ma, Melinda Gates, Shonda Rhimes; what do these people have in common? They all have certain trademarks that helped make them who they are today. And we’ve broken down 5 to help you be the best version of yourself you can be.

So, let’s take a look at our Monday Motivation with 5 trademarks of a successful person you need to embody.

1. Be an opportunity grabber

Successful people are always ready to open the door when opportunity knocks. But how can you be ready for that opportune moment? Be like them and get prepared.
You will never find a successful person who doesn’t know the value of preparation. By making use of the time that you have now to prepare, you are getting ready for the day opportunity knocks. So, get that diploma, get a sitter for the kids, settle your affairs and lay in wait while you prepare. Because when opportunity meets preparation, it’s a recipe for success.

2. Be prepared to listen & pay your dues

Too many times we see people who are so eager for success that they miss out on due process. They dismiss wisdom, refuse to wait in line and literally try to bombard their way up the success ladder. But if you ask the world’s most successful people, they will tell you that paying your dues and listening to those who have already passed through where you are, cannot be overlooked.

3. Passion

This is one trademark that cannot be overlooked. Successful people ooze it constantly. And if you’re serious about your goals and aspirations, you should too. Without passion, there is no way you would want to achieve your goals let alone last in it. It is literally the passion that drives you to achieve your goals. You see it when you look at Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Ellen DeGeneres, Richard Branson and all the successful people you’ve heard of. It pours out when they talk, and express themselves when it comes to what they do. If it doesn’t excite you when you think of it. then you need to find what does.

4. Communicate

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Yemisi Edun of First Bank

You might be wondering what ‘communication’ is doing on this list, but you’d be surprised how delicate the world of communication is.
In this context, communication goes beyond sending Instagram DMs, WhatsApp Broadcasts and all that social media stuff. This boils down to actual communication that is clear, concise and gets your message cross.
It also has to do with networking. How do you talk to the people you know? Are you effectively oiling those communication pipes or do you only reach out when you want to ask for something?
Being able to effectively relate to others is key to being successful. It presents you as friendly, approachable and understanding. These are traits you should not underestimate.

5. Accept failures & don’t give up

Believe it or not, failures are a part of life. And if you want to be as successful as some of the people you admire, you’re going to have to go through a lot of them.

This is not to say it’s going to be all bad. But the truth is you have to get comfortable with having them. When you fail, accept it, learn from it and use it as a stepping stone to getting to where you really want to be.
Remember, you don’t lose when you fail, you lose when you fail and don’t try again.

We hope this week’s Monday Motivation has  been of help to get you up and going towards greatness this week. Just in case you missed it, here’s lour last Monday Motivation here.
Let us know in the comments – who is your mentor and why do you love them?

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