Weight Loss, Regulates Blood Pressure & More – The 7 Benefits Of Drinking Milk Daily

 We all know that children need milk but did you know that milk becomes a…

7 foods that will flatten your tummy

 By Dara Rhodes Everybody knows everybody that wants a flatter tummy but very few people…

6 reasons why you aren’t loosing weight

 By Dara Rhodes Losing weight effectively isn’t only about exercising or counting the calories in…

What Causes Vaginal Itching & Burning During Sex

  There are many ladies that are too ashamed to admit they have painful intercourse.…

TW Weddings: Ameze & Akinniyi Aderopo

  Amezeisiofor Joy tied the knot with Akinniyi Aderopo on Saturday October 25, 2014 at…

10 Ways to Embrace Happy Moments

  Check out these 10 ways to fully embrace the happy moments. Will yourself towards…

Your Dream Summer Body In 3…2…1

  For some people, the summer holidays are already here. For others, they are right…

7 Facts You Didn’t Know About Female Infertility

  Infertility is a sensitive issue that can leave many women feeling alone in their…

Mo’Nique Reveals Motivation Behind 80-Pound Weight Loss

  Comedienne-turned-actress Mo’Nique is looking fabulous these days. She revealed an 80-pound weight loss last…

More Body Fat Increases Ovarian Cancer Risk

  “Greater body fatness is a probable cause of ovarian cancer in women,” according to…