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Your Dream Summer Body In 3…2…1

Your Dream Summer Body In 3…2…1


For some people, the summer holidays are already here. For others, they are right around the corner. Either way, it’s not too late to start working towards the summer body of your dreams. Here are three steps to help you realize your goal:

  • Find a workout that works for you, and stick to it: With so many possible activities, DVDs and guides to help you achieve your summer body, you’ll definitely find a workout that works for you. So you don’t like running? Try yoga, or jump in the pool and take up swimming as your workout of choice (this might be a great choice for cooling off during the summer). Remember, exercise doesn’t have to be torture. To make sure you’re doing the right workouts for your goals, be it losing belly fat or just toning up, you might want to hit the nearest gym and talk to a personal trainer about the best workouts for you. Make sure you’re consistent with whatever workout you choose.
  • Give up one unhealthy habit: It’s easier said than done, but cutting something out of your diet has undeniable results. This summer, decide to cut out fried foods, or chocolate, or soda; just make sure you stop eating at least one thing that you know isn’t doing you any good. Start by giving up your unhealthy habit for one month, and see where it goes from there. Who knows? Maybe you can stop snacking on those fattening candy bars forever! Replace unhealthy snacks with healthier options like fruits and nuts. It won’t be easy, but you’ll be happy you made the decision.
  • Set small, attainable goals: It’s easy to get carried away with weight loss and fitness goals, but are you really going to shed those twenty pounds in a week? Probably not. Keep your goals small, realistic, and most importantly, safe. Divide those twenty pounds into manageable chunks of weight that you hope to drop in a reasonable amount of time, and always remember to choose sustainable weight loss methods. Crash diets and sudden fitness binges will only lead to disappointment when you gain all the weight back after returning to your normal routine.

Now, go get that dream body, and thank us later!


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(Photo: Wendy Hope/Getty Images)

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