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6 reasons why you aren’t loosing weight

6 reasons why you aren’t loosing weight

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By Dara Rhodes

Losing weight effectively isn’t only about exercising or counting the calories in everything you eat, it is also about building good habits and getting rid of the bad ones. Here are the reasons why you are not loosing weight despite trying so hard to shed those extra pounds.

1) You think about exercise too much.

Studies have shown that you eat 50 per cent more when you think about exercise all the time. It’s not too difficult to understand why. You eat more because your brain tells you that when you do that exercise you are thinking of, you’ll loose the weight added by whatever you want to indulge in. Don’t think about exercise, just do it.

2) You don’t drink enough water.

Drinking water fills you to some extent, so you’ll naturally not feel as hungry. According to experts, most times you think you are hungry, you are actually just thirsty. Drink up.

3) You eat too much healthy foods.

A lot of people focus on eating healthily so much so that they forget that healthy food have calories too and end up eating too much.You still have to watch how much of the healthy food you eat. Everything in moderation.

4) You eat while standing up, watching tv or working on your laptop

Eating when you are distracted leads to mindless eating and that is never good. Designate meal times and focus on your food solely.

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5) You are under too much stress

Your body’s stress response system is subconscious and responds to nothing but stimuli. The fight or flight hormone cortisol released when you are stressed, promotes fat storage. When you are under stress, your body stores fat so step back and find ways to de-stress.

6) You don’t sleep enough

Not sleeping enough affects your body’s ability to control your appetite. When you are not sleeping properly, you eat more.

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