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Monday Motivation: There’s No Reason Why Today Shouldn’t be a Holiday!

Monday Motivation: There’s No Reason Why Today Shouldn’t be a Holiday!

Monday Motivation

Monday again?! Wasnt it Monday 3 days ago? Honestly speaking, we think we can all do without the stress that Mondays bring. Those ‘Urgent’ emails sent in capital letters with your boss copied, all the “Gentle reminders” and the overall spirit of urgency that we all feel. If you don’t hate it, that makes one of us.

There is no reason why Mondays can’t be like holidays. Actually, there is no reason why any day can’t be like a holiday. I recall sleeping in one time on a Monday because the good Lord had prompted me to get work done on Sunday. Beyond the fact that I felt jobless, others made me feel like it too. I literally had someone hang up on me because they thought they dialled the wrong number. When they called back – “You’re sleeping on a Monday?! Are you sick?” – it was unfathomable to them.

But why not? Why can’t we take breaks anytime we want? I mean, if we have gotten the job done and there is no pressing matter at hand, then why can’t we do Mondays differently? What’s that saying about all work and no play…

Have you ever heard of the Monday Blues? Maybe not but chances are you’ve experienced it. This is when you feel a cloud of anxiety, stress, restlessness and inexplicable tiredness on Mondays. Scientists have discovered that people generally feel more stressed and depressed on Mondays than any other day. And a study by the Tokyo Women’s University discovered that there are more heart attacks/strokes on Mondays due to the compounding anxiety & stress. If that isn’t a recipe for disaster for you and your job then I don’t know what is.

And I understand that choosing to rest sometimes might feel like you’re not putting in your best. But the reality is this – there is time for work, and there is also time for rest. Besides, working under pressure or in a stressful environment hinders productivity.

So, how about we do this Monday motivation a little differently. Instead of adding to the pressures and anxieties forced on you today, we encourage you to breathe. Tell yourself – today, much like every other day, comes with its own set of worries. You are capable of solving them.

Take time out today to calmly take on the day knowing that you will try your best but not extinguish yourself in the process. Understand that the pressures of life will always be there but you will not, so be kind to yourself. If you happen to finish work early, do something relaxing – pray, watch a quick show, meditate, listen to music, dance a little, talk to a loved one on the phone. Do something that makes you feel relaxed. This will help you destress and get you better prepared for the great of your week.

It is important that you start thinking about YOU! Put yourself first and you will be able to turn any day into a holiday.

See Also
Idia Aisien TW Magazine March 2021 Issue

Photo Credit: Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels




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