Women We Love – Omoye Uzamere

Omoye Uzamere is a Nigerian actress and producer and someone we at TW absolutely love. Having studied Law, she gained diplomas in Performing Arts, French and a certificate from Production training at Theatre Royal Stratford East, London. She has worked on many film, television, theatre and radio productions since. Find out more about her, as we have, in this short interview:
Share your theatre journey with us. As a Lawyer the theatre bug must have bitten at some point and you probably experienced some opposition. Tells us about it.
I was 12 when I had the career talk with my dad. We were driving home from school – I remember the exact spot – when I told him I wanted to study drama. But you know how that story goes… I decided instead to study law, but hated school. In 2005, I got a job presenting and producing a weekly TV show that was on air for 3 years. I also joined a theatre group where we had workshops, wrote and produced plays, did improv… I loved it. Uche Ikola produced the first major production I featured in, KWAZIKA, in 2007. That’s where I met Joke Silva, who went on to train and mentor me. A few years after Kwazika, one day, I quit my 9-5 and moved to Lagos. My first play here was OLURONBI, The Musical in 2010. The rest they say is – … ?
What is it about acting, theatre and the arts that presses your ‘mumu’ button. Because clearly there are more lucrative quick paths to success and fame. Right?
Well, first of all, I don’t see acting or my involvement in the arts as a path to fame. Success for me is doing God’s purpose. So, as an actor, producer, creative, human… whatever my vocation or business, I want to make Him proud. Fame is a by-product or an occupational hazzard, depending on your perspective…lol. About my mumu button though, I can’t describe it… whether on TV, film, radio or stage; it’s the only place that feels like home. It’s one of a few things I see myself doing for the rest of my life. It turns out some have been slaves to the button, but we’re building something here…
In our world of ‘insta everything, what kind of challenges do you expect younger women who want to tread a similar path, to face. And what advise will you give them.
It’s hard to give insta’ advice when you’re not particularly active on the ‘gram. Still, I will say this; there’s a perspective to everything. Decide the type of actor you want to be and pursue it above anything else. If you’re going to be an artist, strive to be the best; if you’re going to be a celebrity, be the best. Some are lucky to have both talent and stardust. Because bandwagons often change directions – you must decide where you’re going in the first place. That way you’ll know when to get on and where to get off.
What is success and what does it mean to you?
I’ll say success is doing what God created you for, being where we’re meant to be and knowing that we are. We can be successful at whatever we do, because of God’s spirit in us; but are we in the place of our assignment? Everyone’s purpose is different and fear of failure usually comes when we’re not sure what we should be doing or where we are.
You have been in literally all the ‘artsy’ world.. Radio, TV , Film and theatre… Which one gets your goose. Always.
Anyone where I get to talk! Lol!! They’re all different expressions of one side to me and they stretch me in different ways. Even just a live conversation with people is exciting. Film instructs you to internalize and allow truth come across in truthful subtleties that a camera picks up, Theatre, having internalized, pushes you to bare it all and wear your thoughts on your face, but TV is a delicate balance between the two. Radio? That one is a hat trick! I love how unpredictable these things can be. We have to be ready to go anytime. Still, there’s a lot more to discover about myself, creatively and intellectually. I’m looking forward to it.
Finally, we thought the drop off stage appearances was because you had fallen ‘out of love’ with it… And then comes The Mistress of Wholesome! What happened?
When work comes, it’s like being in a relationship. Some are long term and others are fleeting. Because I spent the whole of last year filming Ajoche (it shows on weekdays at 9pm on Channel 154), I did a lot of TV acting. So I just wanted another taste of the “rigors of theatre”. Theatre is like boot camp/detox program…lol. We all have to go sometime soon.
Share one thing you know for sure now…
I know for sure that I was born for storytelling.
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True that – Omoye Uzamere was born for storytelling! Never saw any of her works until recently in the stage play #TheMistressOfWholesome presented in Lagos, and I confess she has just got one more super fan in me!
This lady is no doubt a top quality actress anytime anyday!
True that – Omoye Uzamere was born for storytelling! Never saw any of her works until recently in the stage play #TheMistressOfWholesome presented in Lagos, and I confess she has just got one more super fan in me!
This lady is no doubt a top quality actress in the world of acting!