Women We Love: The Women Of The Business Women Connect.

TW: Give us a brief bio of who you are and what you do.
Doubra: The Business WOMEN CONNECT TBWC TEAM, is made up of three women, Doubra Emein, Creative Director, Brad_E Events, an event planning and décor company and President TBWC, Ufuoma Ogbo Aka Chef Buffy is the CEO of Buffy’s Cookhouse, a Catering and Gourmet Food service and Executive Director at TBWC and Princess Onome Akpobaro creative director of Gift_n_His Grace Events Ltd, the founder of Kimizilee Farms Ltd and Executive Director TBWC
TW: Let’s talk about TBWC.
Why did you decide to start the conference?
Onome: The Business Women Connect (TBWC) is an initiative born out of the need to motivate, teach, encourage and form a community of business women in the Niger Delta States.
There is a big gap we have in our environment, as there are few and almost none existing platforms or opportunities for the upwardly mobile woman in the Niger Delta states, as most business conferences tailored to women happen mostly in Lagos and Abuja.
TW: What is the aim of the conference?
Doubra: The aim of TBWC is to create an enabling environment where we can come together to;
• Empower women
• Educate women
• Network outside our usual circle
TW: What will people stand to gain when they register?
Ufuoma: We are bringing women who have established themselves as formidable in their field, women who understand the need to impact! Delegates will be gaining a fresh perpective and insight to work and life.
How has the journey to the second edition been?
Ufuoma: Its been an interesting journey. It has also built our resilience as individuals and as a team, and it is an experience we are grateful for.
What lessons have you picked up from organizing this conference?
Onome: If you are determined, you can do just about anything
Can you share a piece of advice for women
Doubra: Do not be afraid to do what is needful and true, the world will adjust
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