Its Monday!! Happy New Week everyone. I’m sure that if you have been on social media over the past week then you must have come across the name Tayena Taylor. She has been trending all week after Kanyewest debuted his video for the track FADE at the VMA’s which held on Sunday. Tayena who starred in the video has got everybody talking and wowing over her amazingly fit post-baby body. Ladies were inspired to up their fit game and guys have been left drooling. So in honor of all things fit I have come up with a few tips for choosing the perfect gym/work-out ensemble, because even though Tayena inspired us we always need a little more motivation when it comes to working out.
Ditch worn-out footwear: wearing footwear that is worn out with unglued soles and holes is doing your feet a disservice. Good workout shoes promote correct alignment during exercise and helps reduce knee and foot pain.
So there you have it, now go channel your inner Tayena and get your work out on!!
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