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#MondayMotivation: If You Fall, Land on Your Back

#MondayMotivation: If You Fall, Land on Your Back

#MondayMotivation time and we have a bit of simple advice for you. If you fall, make sure you land on your back. Because if you can look up, then you can get up.

There’s a lot of possibility in the world today. From being able to talk to millions of people from the comfort of your home, to setting up a business without a physical office. Today, more than ever before, you have more slots to make your dreams come true than our parents and their parents did. But that doesn’t mean this journey won’t come with its pitfalls.

It is very important to understand that the journey to success is not smooth. In fact, dare we say, the rougher the journey, the greater the reward. But even as you navigate the treacherous waves that could make or break you, it is important to also remember to get back up even before you fall. And you will fall. Falling is part and parcel of the journey to success.

Falling makes you stronger. It tells you that your bones can break and gravity can sometimes betray you, but you can survive both. Falling helps you test your strengths and weaknesses in order to ensure you get up better.

And even as important as remembering that you will fall, you must remember to land on your back. When you land on your back, you have every opportunity to look up. You’ll be able to see what made you fall, the evidence of how you fell and most importantly, what you can use to get back up again. Falling on your back means you’re not done trying, and success is still within your grasp.

So, as you enter this week, our #MondayMotivation to you is that as you fall, make sure you land on your back. And when you do land, look up and get up!

See Also
How to take a social media break

Have an amazing week!

Photo Credit: Tony James Andersson from Pexels

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