Reasons He Turns You Down for Sex

By Kenenna Anyaegbunam
My first reaction to this topic was surprise. For the life of me, I’d never have guessed there’d be a need for a woman’s column on why women are not getting sex. Not saying that men are sex hungry maniacs but based on well-known history, with enough persuasion, a man will most likely succumb to any of his woman’s advances. Thinking to myself, I decided to note down various reasons why a man would turn down his woman and also gave the good old Internet a go and boy did she deliver. These are, in no particular order, some of the various reasons your man could turn you down for sex.
I’ll start with stress
The average man is a tireless work addict who wants nothing more than financial freedom and stability. But that comes at a cost. Depending on the genre of work he is into, your man could come back home with the strength of a rotten tomato. Black, blue and red all over. Sometimes he may try to mask it, sometimes he won’t and in times like this, you may make advances to try and get your due for the night and a big fat no will send you crawling back.
He’s exhausted
Similar symptoms with stress. Chances are, if your partner says he’s too tired for some late-night nookie, he’s really exhausted.
He’s suffering from depression.
You may think this unlikely but studies say clinical depression is one of the biggest killers of sex drive in men. Men of all ages, even teenagers, may experience much lower sex drive when they’re struggling with this mood disorder. Best remedy? Discussion. The basis of any good therapy session. Most people just need an ear or a shoulder in times like this.
He’s upset about something
Sexual relations are basically just that; relations with other people—sexually. If you’re not on good terms or have an unresolved argument (you may, or may not know about), then you’re probably going to get turned down. Sometimes an argument is worth more than an orgasm. Go figure.
The game’s on!
Football (or basketball, or Tennis, or hockey—if he’s into that kind of thing)
does not rest for intercourse. A no is Maybe check back in at halftime?
It’s a myth that men think about sex every seven seconds. In fact, a new study found that it’s closer to 19 times a day—and while that still sounds like a lot, just because he’s thinking about it hardly means he wants it right then and there. The reason I, like many others assume that the topic of this article is unlikely is because of the foundations built around relationships and coitus. The Sexual Script Theory suggests that in heterosexual relationships, men should initiate sexual activity and women should act as the “gate keeper” – the one who says ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Having the ‘key’ to sex usually implies you’ll rarely be denied entry. But rarely isn’t neve
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