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Four Pieces of Bad Dating Advice You Should Ignore

Four Pieces of Bad Dating Advice You Should Ignore

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There is a ton of dating advice out there these days, and unfortunately, a large portion of this information is wrong, and often misleading. If you’re a single woman interested in entering a romantic relationship, here is a list of four pieces of dating advice to ignore as you explore the love landscape:

  1. Men Love Women Who Play Hard to Get

This is a lie. The truth is, men love women that have clear standards, and a sense of self-worth; playing hard to get is a perversion of this fact. Behaving like you aren’t interested in a guy is a surefire way to turn him off wooing you. Let him know you’re interested in his interest, but don’t open yourself up; it’s an art, and like every dating practice, you have to find the balance.

  1. Opposites Attract

This isn’t exact truth; while having a partner who has different traits can make a relationship interesting, you want to ensure that you guys share the same values and principles, and have the same ideas about what a relationship entails. Dating someone who has ideologies and a philosophy that are in stark opposition to yours, will brew a lot of conflict. Excessive conflict kills relationships, find someone who shares your core worldviews, and enjoy the rest of the person.

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  1. You’ll Know the One When you See Him

This pervading myth has been spread by Hollywood, and romantic fiction. The chemistry and attraction at first sight from both parties exists and happens regularly, however, it ends there. That you fell into someone’s eyes the moment you saw him, doesn’t mean he’s Mr right, or will make a good partner. Don’t make this mistake. Explore the attraction by all means, but don’t let the magic of the moment fool you into believing he’s the one.

  1. You Should Hide Uncomfortable Facts till You Guys are Deeply in Love

While you don’t want to open up to someone too soon, you shouldn’t wait until you guys are in a solid relationship to let him know about your skin condition, or a personal secret you’ve held on to for years. Ideally total openness should be a part of every relationship, but things don’t always work like that. Still, it’s something you should look for when trying to choose a man; always ask yourself “can I be my total self around this person?” and you should test to find out; release personal information in bits. Don’t wait till marriage to tell your partner your dark secrets, it might be too late.

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