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#IWD2017: Boobs, Wombs and Brains

#IWD2017: Boobs, Wombs and Brains

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Wednesday the 8th the single day within the whole of March set aside to celebrate women worldwide. This 2017 the call was, Be Bold For Change.

I spent a better part of the day attending events that affirm women. First it was the breakfast activity organized by the International Women’s Society in Lagos urging women to be bold for change through its speakers. The other was the launch of a women specific product by a commercial bank, in Lagos. Yet again as with all celebrations, the whole world joined the bandwagon with everyone competing, or so it seemed to me, to be the first to wish women happy international women’s day! While that is all good, I wondered, so the day passes, and even the whole month of March, we celebrate women, and then what happens? Return to the status quo where women’s rights are yet to sit squarely as a human’s right, a world in which domestic violence is still quite rampant, amongst other injustices against women.

This is why as a woman and mother, this international women’s day/month, I am more concerned about the men in our society. Actually, this is the reason why TW magazine speaks to women primarily. There is a connection. We speak to women because they are the ones who raise tomorrow’s men, who are today’s boys. So, this international women’s day I ask that we all raise our sons to be the kind of husbands we would like. Those who respect us, help us in every sense of the word, and nurture our dreams and our person to a point where lifting a finger to abuse, or denigrate us will be anathema.


We could for example, do something as simple as engaging them in domestic work just like their sisters, then when they grow up they will do it if they have to, and in a situation where their wife does it, they will be more appreciative.

Raise them to live and respect women as equal to, but different from them. We have boobs and wombs, they don’t. That’s where the difference is. The greatest and most important similarity is the Brain. All genders have been blessed with brains that can attain whatever we set our minds to.

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Let ALL MEN BE RAISED TO KNOW THAT A BIRD DOESN’T FLY WITH ONE WING. They need us just as much as we need them and it is in their interest that we are preserved.



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