Want a Seat at the Table? Let these 3 Tips for Success from Bukky George-Taylor Guide You!

Bukky George-Taylor Tips for Success

We are coming to you with some amazing tips for success this Monday morning from media maven, Bukky George-Taylor!

Shirley Chisholm once said – “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair“. This quote goes to show that you may not always get invited to the table, you might not get a seat pulled out for you, there might be no space at the table at all and you might even have to build one for yourself. But you must find your place in the world and deliver the value you have.

The Managing Director of Robert Taylor Media, Bukky George-Taylor, recently sat with Journalist Belinda Otas to discuss this very topic – tips for success, working hard to earn your seat at the table. Bukky shared her path to success and how she sometimes had to build her own table.

Bukky George-Taylor Tips for Success

She went on to extend these nuggets to her online community and posted 3 things she’s done consistently.

She said;

1. Building the right relationships

It’s one thing to know people and it’s another to build relationships. In our market and globally too, people you know can get your foot in the door. Know the right people and surround yourself with people that can complement your efforts. I can build a dynamic team based on the people I know and murder any project. As a matter of fact, I have had to pull from the strength of my network to succeed at some of the projects I have worked on.

2. Be of value wherever you go

When people recognize your value and when you bring value to the table … you will always have a seat.
Throw me in any team or in any situation, I won’t just sit there and take from you, I am bringing something to the table. It may be my experience, my wealth of knowledge, the doors I have access to, or my skills. Whatever it is, I don’t come empty-handed. I will think and act like a shareholder.

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3. Passion

People underestimate the power of Passion. I have a passion for what I do, I love what I do and because of this, I am set to move my team forward and I am looking to win. The work will get done and done well. No one wants a person who isn’t passionate at the table. Passion can drive success.

Wishing you all a great “rest of the week”. Be intentional about what you want, where you want to be positioned and what you bring to the table.

It’s definitely a good time to ask yourself “what you bring to the table”?

What other tips for success can you share? See some more tips for success here!

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