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These Tips on How to Solo Travel are More Important than Your Luggage!

These Tips on How to Solo Travel are More Important than Your Luggage!

Tips on How to Solo Travel

2022 is the year of trying new things – and we are very much here for it. From loving ourselves in new and unique ways to exploring new things, the journey for 2022 is all about self and we love it.

One of the many ways ladies like you and me are trying new things is through solo travel. Before we go any further let us just say, everything hits differently when you’re doing it alone – going to the movies, eating dinner, dancing and definitely travelling. Going on a solo trip can be a mix of anxiety & excitement, but it all depends on how well prepared you are for the trip.

As your positive enablers this year and the foreseeable future, we are here with your fix. Today, we will be sharing tips for solo travel that you need to have in your back pocket and suitcase. See if you have these on your to-do list;

Know your Destination

Tips on How to Solo Travel

This doesn’t have to do with where you’re going, but how well you know where you’re going. There is no such thing as too much information and this definitely applies here. You need to find out exactly where you’re going, how to get there, why you’re going there and what to do when you finally arrive. This can easily be solved by a simple Google search or a look through TripAdvisor – what language do they speak? How do the locals dress? Are there any curfews in place? Where are the danger zones? What should you do in case of an emergency? Be a good Girl Scout and Always Be Prepared!

Plan, Plan, PLAN

Tips on How to Solo Travel

If you don’t go with a plan, you might as well not go at all. This is beyond going next door just to see what happens – now you’re dealing with a whole other country or city. Plan ahead with your budget for the trip, “vex money”, emergency contacts, emergency clothes and an exit plan just in case things go left. This also goes a long way in helping you manage your time and not end up in a rush when it’s time to go.

Travel Light

Solo Travel

There’s a preconceived notion that women typically pack 2-week’s worth of stuff for a 3-day trip. Let’s not make this true for your solo trip. Since you are travelling alone, it is better to be very practical with your travel luggage. Pack only the essentials, the clothes you are sure you’ll be wearing and you’re good to go. Less luggage definitely equals less stress here.

Secure your Valuables

Tips on How to Solo Travel

Here, a lot of things fall under valuables – your location, your itinerary & your identity are all things you shouldn’t play with on a solo vacation. It is important to safeguard yourself by ensuring you keep your valuables safe and only share them with those you trust. This is not a Lifetime movie, the world is a dangerous place. Keep your passports safe with you, avoid walking in dark & lonely places and be vigilant. Well at least vigilant enough to still have fun *wink*.

See Also

Have Fun

Solo Travel

Now we know we just scared you a little, but we really just want you to be safe and have fun. There’s nothing worse than looking forward to something and then having that thing ruined by a bad experience. So have fun with this solo trip. Try to visit new and exciting locations, join tour groups, try new things, vet and be open to new relationships, eat new food and immerse yourself.

Hey, need more tips? Check out why you should watch your drinking and blend in with the environment.

Travelling alone is an opportunity to learn, recharge your drive and, more importantly, fall in love with life & the world around you. Get packing then, and make this an adventure to look back on with a smile. We hope these tips on how to solo travel helped.

Photo Credit: Photo by Nick Noel on Unsplash | Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash | Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash  | Photo by Brandy Kennedy on Unsplash | Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash | Photo by Luiza Ribeiro on Unsplash

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