Five Ways to Curb the Sedentary Lifestyle

Recent research has shown that a sedentary lifestyle, comes with a host of health problems such as weight gain, anxiety, cardiovascular disease and so on. This way of living is common to most of us as the demands of office work and commute require that we spend most of our time sitting. However, we at TW believe that health is a resource that should never be traded and so we’ve compiled a list of activities you can participate in to increase your activity during the day.
- Take the stairs more often
Apart from days of fatigue, illness or haste, this should be your default habit; the higher the floor, the better. The exertion improves circulation around your body, and serves as a source of exercise for your lungs and leg muscles.
- Walk to nearby locations
If you’re going on an errand, or to visit a friend, and the destination is within your neighborhood, or very close, walk. Walking, while not as energy consuming as running, provides its own benefits. It improves circulation around the body, burns calories, aids digestion, reduces the risk of diabetes and so on. Click here to see more of its benefits
- Invest in a standing desk
As the name suggests these are desks designed to enable you work while you stand. The major difference between these and normal desks is the height. However, if you’re unable to stay n your feet for long, the other alternative is to ensure that you stand every twenty minutes while at work. You can achieve this by walking to meet colleagues you need to communicate with rather than sending mails, standing when you have to make or receive calls, take ten-minute walks; if allowed, and lastly standing rather than asking someone else, to get water.
- Drink a lot of water
This fills your bladder faster and more regularly, and in turn causes you to make more journeys to the restroom than usual. The logic behind this tip is that the more frequently you stand up and move around the better for your body, and any activity that causes you to do more of this, is a boon.
- Park Farther away from your office
This is simply to increase the distance you have to cover by foot.
While there are other things you can do to curb the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, these tips are basic and easy for anyone to practice. Your health is your wealth maintain it.
If you’re a mobile person, what activities do you use to keep yourself moving? Share in the comments.
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