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Skincare QnAs with Ronke Ebiye-Koripamo

Skincare QnAs with Ronke Ebiye-Koripamo

Skincare QnA

As your foremost lifestyle online publication for millennial women, we recognise the importance of skincare to everyday living.

To cater to all your skincare questions and concerns, we introduce Skincare QnAs with Ronke Ebiye-Koripamo.

Ronke is an internationally trained and fully qualified beauty, skin and wellness therapist. She has a CIBTAC and CIDESCO Diploma in Beauty Therapy from the Oxford International College of Beauty, Oxford, United Kingdom.

She has over 18years of experience in the beauty industry and over 8 years of experience as an internationally qualified beauty, skin and spa therapist. She carries out various treatments, with her niche being holistic aromatherapy massage and Facial acne treatment. She is also a certified waxologist, electrolysis technician, lash artist, makeup artist, holistic massage therapist, Associated bodywork and wellness advocate. She is a member of the Practitioners of Spa and Beauty Association of Nigeria (POSBAN), Associated Skincare Professionals (ASCP), and the Spa and Wellness Association of Africa (SWAA)

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We look forward to receiving and answering your skincare questions every week.


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