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Sterling One Frontline Heroes: #1000For1000 Health Workers Fund

Sterling One Frontline Heroes: #1000For1000 Health Workers Fund

TW was born in September, hence we’ve decided to adopt this as our GIVING MONTH. Every September we pick a cause to support and get all our followers to key in. This month, TW has chosen to support the Sterling One Foundation’s Health Workers Fund via Why? It aims to reward our Front Line Heroes in the battle against COVID 19, medical workers putting their lives in danger to curtail the ravaging effects of the deadly virus.

These medics, doctors, nurses, lab scientists and so on, are on a “Hazard Allowance” of N5000 a month!!! believes they deserve more and so wants Nigerians to join them to move this up to N100, 000.00 a month, for 3 months.

We agree with them. The workers deserve more and the Government cannot do it alone.

So, because little drops make an ocean, we urge you to, with as little as N1000, be a part of something BIGGER than YOU. If 10,000 people give as little as N1000, that would be TEN MILLION NAIRA towards this cause, and 100 doctors taken care of. Take those numbers to N10, 000 from 10, 000 people that would be a whopping N100, 000, 000… ONE HUNDRED MILLION NAIRA and that would be 1000 medical workers sorted.

The permutations are endless.

Already 111 health workers have benefited from this fund, with more still living off of N5000 monthly. Let’s help change that.

You don’t have to be rich to help out. You don’t have to be influential to spread the word. But as one of the millions they help protect by keeping the Covid-19 virus at bay; as one of the 41,513 they’ve treated and discharged; as one of the 403,347 they’ve tested for Covid-19; as one of the 53,865 confirmed cases they’re working hard to treat, and as someone who had a loved one, friend, colleague they tried their best to save – they need your help to keep doing what they do.

Giving is simple, just visit and make a donation!


We’re kicking off this feature with our first interview with Dr. Adeife Adetola Fowowe.

What’s your name and what inspired you to study medicine?

My name is Dr. Adeife Adetola Fowowe.

I do not know if the inspiration to study medicine was what got me through Med school. There were way too many sleepless nights. I think the story is the same for almost every Medical student. Let’s just say part of my driving force was not to disappoint all those who were cheering me on, most especially those paying my fees.

Please, share your early life and medical school memories that formed the kind of doctor you have become

I think growing up, I have always been concerned about people.
I have also seen someone I know die in a hospital and I really felt he shouldn’t have died if some more Medical attention was given to him. So I have always felt the need to do better, so, till date, I always try my best in every way I can, to make sure my patients get the best treatment available.

When was the first time you heard of Covid-19?

I would say around the time everyone heard of it. lol.
But seriously, I would say I started hearing about it Internationally in December 2019.

Describe for us your emotions as you saw your first patient, and since then how has it been?

Well, I do not know if I would use the word ’emotion’. I was already working at the Mainland Hospital, Yaba (which is popularly called; Infectious Disease Hospital) when Covid-19 happened. What that means is, I was already attending to ‘ Infectious Diseases’ cases. So it was supposed to be another case. Except that it was a new strain and at that time, no one could say they knew everything about it, or explain how to treat it. I think that was the scary part, ‘fighting an unknown enemy’.

So, even though our first patient was positive but asymptomatic, we managed him by following the guidelines at that time, and we were happy he survived.

After him, things got complex really quick, it was declared a global health pandemic and sadly, as much as we tried to treat the symptoms of new patients (since there is still no known cure), we lost some patients.

Till date, we are still attending to patients daily. So, everyone needs to know that prevention is paramount, so we don’t become part of the numbers released daily by the state or government.

What was your most painful moment during this pandemic?

My most painful moment is whenever any of our patients lose the battle against the virus. Most especially after we have done everything we can. The most heartbreaking part is when a patient ‘appears’ to be getting better, and then sometime later, there are some complications (maybe because of his or her co-morbidity). It is always a very sad feeling.

What was your most exciting moment during this pandemic?

I am grateful to God to still be alive and also my husband who has been my number one encourager.

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But, work-wise, I would say that, as much as we are always saddened by the demise of any patient, it gives me great joy, whenever I have to write “Discharged” on a patient’s folder. J . This means the patient is now Covid free, and the joy also extends to their families as well.

What are the major difficulties you have encountered so far?

In my personal life, I would say the most difficult part of this is not being able to see my 2-year-old son since the first lockdown in March till date. My husband and I, had to make the decision, in other to protect him, because of my daily exposure to the virus.

What would you say to Nigerians who are suddenly realizing the value of our medical personnel and stepping forward to help?

I would like to thank everyone for contributing to the fund from the goodness of their heart. May God bless you all as you have blessed us.

What is the major take away from this experience for you in particular, and us all and the society at large?

I would say in these times I have become stronger and pulled strength from family, friends, the church and everyone, from their daily prayers and encouragement in various forms for me and my colleagues.

I would advise everyone should pay more attention to their heath. Almost every patient we lost had a pre-existing condition that sometimes was not managed properly. And some didn’t even know they had it until it was too late.

What is your feedback to Giving.Ng on the Health Workers Fund? Do you think it should continue even after the pandemic?

I would say on behalf of everyone who has benefited from the fund, we are sincerely grateful to have been chosen.

It would also be great if it could continue because apart from the continuous need for the allowance, It could be used as a ‘war-chest’ for interventions in the health sector or for health workers.

Once again Thank you very much for thinking about us.

Adeife Adetola

In Partnership with TW Magazine NG

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