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Xenophobic Attacks in SouthAfrica: Should Nigerians Retaliate?

Xenophobic Attacks in SouthAfrica: Should Nigerians Retaliate?

Photo Credit: James Oatway
Photo Credit: James Oatway

It has been a tough time for Nigerians in South Africa who have been victims of the Xenophobic attacks by South Africans. Over the past few days, reports show that South Africans have been brutally attacking and even killing migrant workers mainly from Nigeria, Zimbabawe, Kenya & Uganda.

The international community has condemned the attacks by South Africans but Nigerians are aggrieved owing to the fact that there are Multinational companies owned by South Africans in Nigeria, which are doing significantly well without fear or prejudice.

An example is the telecommunication company MTN and even the largest shopping store in Nigeria, Shoprite.

In reaction to the attacks, some Nigerians have decided to take actions against the South Africans in Nigeria starting with a group called the Flagship, which is an affiliate of Edo Civil Society Organisations.

Over the weekend they took their protest to the MTN office in Benin, calling on all Nigerians to boycott the goods and services of South African companies in Nigeria.

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Do you think this is a move in the right direction? Should Nigerians retaliate by boycotting the goods and services of South African companies in Nigeria?

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Written by Oma Ehiri

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