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Chick Chat With Cornelia O’Dwyer: Is It Immodest For Women To Use Their Femininity To Their Advantage?

Chick Chat With Cornelia O’Dwyer: Is It Immodest For Women To Use Their Femininity To Their Advantage?


Hello Guys, It’s #ChickChat.

In our world today, image does matter. We are visually judgemental and people initially notice style before substance. Should we therefore strategically project the best of ourselves?  #Enjoy #TWLife #TWChickChat

I new at the bank and there is this girl Sade at my office. I’m obsessed with her personality. She is an outgoing, crazy, good looking chick and very well proportioned. A perfect and petite UK size 10. We both work in the investment banking division which requires strict corporate attire (according to our handbook). I am an overly modest prude so I tend to cringe at all her clothes but our office manager who happens to be female is very similar to her. They both wear skirts above the knees, tight dresses and show tasteful cleavage but as good as they may look I find it inappropriate. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone of them in trousers.

See Also

Sade and I have become quite friendly. She is a funny, smart girl and knows her onions. One day we had a particular meeting where she had to present to a client, Sade rolls up to work in a red mini-super-tight-dress that looked almost professional (Especially for “Nigeria”. ) I had to ask after cringing at her in her provocative glory, “Sade, isn’t this dress too short and tight?”. She laughs and tells me to leave her alone and that the dress is a confidence booster. She is married and isn’t “looking” and her husband finds her sexy. Sade is not trying to be modest. The client signed the deal that day. She says there is no award for modesty and as much as one may have all the book smarts, she has found since moving home, she strategically uses her womanly assets to her advantage. Her dressing gets a lot of attention from men who are of course visual and it makes her easy to relate with.
For clarity, I wear nice clothes and not robes to work but I “know my audience” and just like with church, I  make sure I’m not towing any risqué lines and tend to stay covered up. I’m not married but I won’t show half and inch of cleavage or wear skirts or dresses above my knees. In Fact, I look more married than Sade and I’m not. She is confused as to why I want to look more married than her and it should be obvious in my appearance that I’m single.  It got me thinking how much image matters. As silly as this may sound, I think Hillary Clinton might have a better chance if she looked a certain way.

Do you think it is immodest to flaunt ones sexuality in the work place? Is it smart to use ones sexuality to accelerate the process at work (I’m not saying sleep with men). Do you judge women who dress sexier to work or in general draw attention to their best parts? Is there a line between putting ones ‘best foot forward’ and drawing unnecessary attention?

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