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Chick Chat With Connie Girl: My “Work” Aunty Is Making Office Life Miserable For Me!

Chick Chat With Connie Girl: My “Work” Aunty Is Making Office Life Miserable For Me!


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Do you know anyone like this?

I’m 34 and I’ve just been promoted to senior manager at my company. I have been with them for 6 years and I’ve given my blood sweat and tears to the company. I have been tasked with managing a mixed team of 100 mid level to support staff with each one and their personality. I had the skills on paper to handle the role but there are certainly some skills I need to employ.

I sent out an email for the team to submit their findings on a client we are auditing, the usual protocol would be for everyone to update the master doc in the database but my subordinate happens to be a 45 year old middle aged lady who has a slight problem taking instructions from a “youngster” which she has referred to me as in passing. The tone of her email response was abrasive. It read: “Please find my update as requested, please update the master”.

I’m sure she got the memo of my promotion but it appears there is a delay in processing the new normal. I have to find a way to assert authority without cowering to submission from a routinely insubordinate older team member. Each time I ask her to perform a task, there is some slight rebuttal or undertone in her email. I have ignored them so far mainly because I do not have a confrontational personality but how does one assert authority with an older member of my team? We have a project deadline for month end and heavy pressure from higher ups and my dear “Aunty” sends the team an email detailing the days she is “taking off” for her vacation. Again, she doesn’t feel she needs my approval. She never “requested” the vacation and to be honest except it was a medical reason, no one can take a day off this month. I’m  getting irritated with her general body language and “I’m older than you” attitude so I sent her the vacation policy and asked her to reschedule her vacation. I received a phone call immediately from her questioning the obvious. I declined the call as it has become something to address in person. This is the part of the new role I don’t quite enjoy. Managing older co-workers with big egos. Culturally I should respect my elders but this is work and the show must go on.

See Also

How do I reassert my position without being condescending to my “work Aunty”

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