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Monday Motivation: 15 Days Left to 2020

Monday Motivation: 15 Days Left to 2020

Monday Motivation: 15 Days Left to 2020

Monday motivation is back and we have a very important question to ask you. What are you going to do with the rest of 2019?

It seems like it was only yesterday when we were screaming Happy New Year and planning for the year ahead. And now, we’re drawing close to the end of a decade. Can you believe it? But we guess the real question we should be asking is, how are we going to bring this year to a close?

As Nigerians, we can pretty much predict how you you’re going to be spending December 31st. Some of you will be in church dancing and hugging your neighbors. While others might be at some cocktail party designed to usher in the new year with drinks and merriment. A few of us will be at home, chatting with family and watching Christmas movies while some will be sleeping with their phones turned off. But before all of that, we’re thinking more along the lines of laying the right foundation for 2020.

Yes, 2020 seems a bit far away but the truth is time runs fast. It runs so fast that we literally thought January was yesterday…or at least the day before. So, with that in mind, how are you going to spend the last 15 days of 2019? Will you be event-hopping, counting down the days to the 31st? Thinking back on all the opportunities you missed out on through out the year? Or will you be planning you have your revenge on 2019 by taking over 2020? It really is up to you.

See Also
Ukonwa Ojo

But we would like you to take a good look around. Years come and go, but what we choose to do with those years could last a lifetime. Let’s choose wisely.

If you missed our last Monday Motivation, check it out here!

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