Putting the ACT in ImpACT! Aspire Coronation Trust Foundation CEO Osayi Alile & Grantees are Our Special for December 2021

ACT Foundation

As the year winds to a close, it is almost human nature to take stock of all that has been achieved in the year. What goals were met? What dreams were lived? What impact was made.

For the people at Aspire Coronation Trust (ACT), this year was about, in addition to making some impact of their own, enabling others to do the same. We feature Ms. Osayi Alile (ACT’s Chief Executive Officer) as well as 3 Grantees from ACT’s Grants platform – Ms. Temitope Okunnu (CEO, FABE Foundation), Ms. Oreoluwa Lesi (CEO, W-TEC) and Mr Michael Ajayi (CEO, Enactus Nigeria).

ACT Foundation
Aspire Coronation Trust Foundation CEO – Osayi Alile
ACT Foundation
Ms. Osayi Alile (ACT’s Chief Executive Officer); Ms. Temitope Okunnu (CEO, FABE Foundation), Ms. Oreoluwa Lesi (CEO, W-TEC) and Mr Michael Ajayi (CEO, Enactus Nigeria).

Together these women & men have been pushing for lasting change in Nigeria, with hopes to extend it across Africa. In this issue, we speak to them on running non-profit organizations in Nigeria, their challenges and hope for the nation, and what they would do if they were President for a day.

We also hear from others who sadly did not make it to the cover but are a very important part of the ACT family. They give us insight into the rewarding world of social impact and share their journey thus far.


ACT Foundation

ACT Foundation
Ms. Temitope Okunnu (CEO, FABE Foundation)
ACT Foundation
Ms. Oreoluwa Lesi (CEO, W-TEC)
ACT Foundation
Mr Michael Ajayi (CEO, Enactus Nigeria)

The issue is themed with Impact and that goes for our fashion & beauty sections. We take a look at African fashion designers who are eco-chic. From Nigeria to Ghana, we take a closer look at these brands that take sustainable fashion stylishly serious. We also feature top Hairstylist Tony Aigbogun of T’s Beauty Ace who has created masterpieces all inspired by the African woman. As well as a feature on one of the biggest beauty brands out of Nigeria – House of Tara International.

See Also

This special issue is a great way to look inward and out, learn from the men and women who are walking the talk and hopefully get encouraged and empowered to make more impact in your community, country, continent and world.

Enjoy the issue HERE and head over to the Today’s Woman YouTube page for exclusive interviews with these remarkable cover subjects.

Photo Credits
Photography: Kola Oshalusi for Insigna Media | @InsignaOnline
Makeup: House of Tara International | @HouseOfTara_Intl
Outfits: Subject’s Own

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