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Should cheating in marriage be a Deal Breaker

Should cheating in marriage be a Deal Breaker

As another British royal scandal brews over Prince Williams cheating on Duchess Kate Middleton, TW wonders if the fairytale romance that started in 2001 would be washed down the river Thames.

Infidelity in marriage is no doubt a breach of trust and disregard to the sancity of a matrimonial union. It also poses a risk to the health and safety of your spouse.

However in spite of the mental, emotional and sometimes physical damage it brings, cheating doesn’t always have to signal the end of a Marriage, it can be grounds for a healthier and thriving marriage.

Research has shown that there are a lot of factors and reasons that can determine whether someone cheats; from being scared of intimacy with their partners, money, easy access due to location and technology, and even witnessing their parents cheat.

Although many people claim infidelity is a deal breaker in marriage,  plenty marriages have  managed to survive cheating partners.

In 2017, Jay-Z opened up about cheating on his Singer wife Beyoncé, speculations to his infidelity dates back into 2014, after a video footage of Solange hitting him in an elevator,  in 2016, Beyonce released the Lemonade record that was filled with lyrics subliminally referencing Jay-Z philandering with “Becky with the good hair”.

Far back in 1992, Hillary Clinton  was cheated on by her husband. The affair was messy and scandalous,  Bill Clinton had faced a number of allegations of sexual harassment, assault, and other misconduct even before it was revealed that he had sexual relations with a white house intern. He initially denied the allegations saying “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky” before admitting to the relationship in 1998.

Even though the divorce rates due to infidelity is on the rise, a lot of couples take the not so easy part.  Holding on to the “for better for worse” vows and working through their marriage.

It’s easier to walk away especially in cultures where monogamy is highly valued,  cases of infidelity can cause severe damages and it is looked upon by individuals as a serious social crime that can affect all other aspects of life.  An example of a similar situation in which infidelity was seen as a severe crime is that of Tiger Woods. His sexual affair with waitress Rachael Ulrich was perhaps the biggest sports sex scandal of all time.  It resulted in Woods loosing his family, career and multiple endorsement deal.

Couples who choose to stay in marriages after infidelity, have to endure intense criticised and shamed. With the fact that various studies have revealed that over 50 percent of married men and under 50 percent of married women admit to cheating on their spouses, It is safe to say that almost all marriages would be affected at one point in time. It is plausible that leaving a marriage on such grounds isnt the best option.

Before you choose to end a marriage on grounds of infidelity, many couples have mended their relationships and strengthened the basis for new love to thrive again.

See Also

Jay-Z  speaking during an interview revealed how therapy and his wife Beyonce supported him after he cheated “The best place is right in the middle of the pain. And that’s where we were sitting. And it was uncomfortable. And we had a lot of conversations.”

For couples who may be faced with similar issues,  the key to mending a marriage after an affair remains a commitment to love and authentic healing.

Couples can choose to spend time apart,  see a therapist / marriage counsellor, forgive themselves and work at earning trust again.

Despite the picture perfect relationship they have maintained. Prince Williams and Kate have had their shared of downs along the way.

In early 2007, Kate and William ended their relationship, before reconciling in 2008, and finally getting married in 2011.

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  • Great piece by the author. It’s worthy for young ladies of this generation to duly know that there is more to life than just going head-on with divorce after a cheating revelation. Trust, love, and understanding are key to enjoying a relationship … “nobody holy pass!”

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