Can Women Date Younger Men? Gbemi & Toolz Break It Down in Episode 7 of The OffAir Show

Hold on to your wig caps and grab a drink. It’s time for another episode of the OffAir Show with Toolz and Gbemi.
Your favourite radio duo is back for another episode and this time, sorry ladies, you’re being called out.
This episode is filled with juicy gist and unlimited laughter. In this episode, Gbemi and Toolz take fan mail questions about women having multiple options in regards to marriage and can women date men younger than them. This should be interesting.
And let’s not forget the hilarious banter, too-good-to-be-true stories and Toolz’ “you didn’t hear it from me” face. Is the OffAir Show a guilty pleasure for you as much as it is for us? lol
Press play & enjoy!
Photo Credit: @OffAirShow (Instagram)
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