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The Lure Allure

Tunisia although seven hours from Nigeria by air shares similar characteristics. The North African country also drives on the left hand side. It’s located just a stone’s throw from Europe, Tunisia sits on the Mediterranean coast, midway between the Atlantic Ocean and the Nile Delta.

Despite the similarities,  Tunisia is very cold in March,  with the temperature dipping below 10 degrees centigrade.

Tunisia is a country with a long and rich history. A wide number of archeological sites demonstrate the historical role of Tunisia as  an important crossroads of civilizations with relics from Roman, Arabic and French cultures

The country was found by Phoenician traders who eventually settled here. The colony developed into the center of an empire dominating the Mediterranean Sea. Although not too much is left from the original Cartague nowadays, history lovers will still enjoy its ancient ruins including roman baths, a cathedral, and an amphitheater.

Tunisia is predominantly Muslim, yet in an unimposing way.  From the airport, you may notice that some females are seen not wearing the hijab, even various billboards advertising soaps and creams display a bit of skin.

Almost all the buildings in Tunisia boasts of white washed walls and little blue doors with flowers and plants that enhance the landscape in its cities. The mosques are magnificently built examples of Islamic architecture from the Arab empire days.  their ancient and sturdy buildings make them a sight worth seeing

For fun, among the list of things to do in Tunisia,  the beach ranks number 1 due to the abundance of golden sandy shoreline. second on this list is fabric and gold shopping at the Medina.  There’s a Medina in every big city. Morrocan Hamman spa day and a tour of the the vast, rolling dunes of the Sahara desert.

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The main language spoken in Tunisia is Arabic and French,  having been colonized by the French. The city centre where the University is,  there are a few English speaking individuals. Tunisian cuisine offers a variety of tastes. With  elements of Turkish, French and Mediterranean cuisine. couscous and slow cooked tagines is staple, alongside hard bread,  mutton, fries and hot dogs that can be gotten from hotels and road side restaurants.

A trip  to Tunisia is straightforward with major airlines like Turkish Airlines,  Emirates and Qatar Airways offering flights from 200000 naira upwards. Nigerian passport holders do require  a visa to enter

Even though  the Tunisia tourism industry struggled after the 2015 terrorist attacks that targeted foreign visitors, The industry is struggling to rebuild with various western governments removing the travel advisory imposed against Tunisia. There’s finally more opportunities for it’s tourism potentials to thrive and flourish.

View Comment (1)
  • For sure, Tunisia is one destination to explore anytime on vacation. I particularly love the architectural buildings and of-course their variety of food.

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