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To get that bikini ab, combine activities you already love, such as dancing and swimming.


Most people think of fitness and think of the gym. I say fitness is a lifestyle. Combine activities you already love, such as dancing and swimming, with regular cardio and you will be ready to fit into that bikini in a matter of weeks.

Choose one exercise from each section and perform two or three sets of each exercise. Or pick two exercises from each section and do one to two sets.

HARDCORE: Do one set of all nine exercises.

Note: Make sure you do this routine 3 to 4 times a week at least to ensure your abs are getting toned and stay toned.


Pilates 100 – 20 reps (arm pulsing)

Lay on your back > shoulder slightly off the mat > legs held off the ground +pulse pushing your hand forward.

Elbow Planks – Hold for 30 to 60 seconds (count slowly to 10 or 30)
(Prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle.)

Lie face down on mat resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor > Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows > Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels > Tilt your pelvis and squeeze your abs> Hold and count > then lower > and repeat

Note: Back problems/injuries drop your knees and hold.


Bicycle crunches – 20 reps

Start in a standard crunch position > instead of just doing a straight forward crunch you are going to rotate >Bring the knees in to the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on the neck > Rotate to the left, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee as you straighten the other leg > Switch sides, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee >Continue alternating sides in a ‘pedaling’ motion

Side Planks – Hold for 30 to 60 seconds (or count slowly to 10 or 30)

See Also
Fitness Challenge

Lie sides way down on mat resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor > Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows > Keep your body align in a straight line from head to heels > lift other arm up and point fingers to ceiling and squeeze your abs> Hold and count > then lower > and repeat

Oblique’s Crunches – 20 reps
(Switching sides after complete all sets)

Lie on your back and cross the left foot over the right knee, hands behind your head > Keeping lower back pressed into the floor, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and then curl your upper body diagonally across your body towards your left knee > Squeeze your abs and oblique’s as hard as you can at the top of the movement. > Lower and repeat.


Reverse crunches – 20 Reps
(It’s a very small movement, so try not to swing your legs)

Lie on the mat and place hands on the floor or behind the head > Bring the knees in towards the chest until they’re bent at a right angle, > with feet together or crossed> reaching the legs up towards the ceiling > Squeeze the abs to curl the hips off the floor and lower > repeat

Holding Sit-up – Hold for 30 to 60 seconds (count slowly to 10 or 30)
(If you have back problems, please avoid these)

Start in a standard crunch position > instead of just doing a straightforward crunch > raise your shoulders from the floor and squeeze your lowers abs > Keep your head in a neutral position > lifting up your chin and chest with a distance between your chest and chin > Hold your body in this position and start your counting.

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