Q: After just one baby, I am uncomfortable with the way the skin around my stomach sags and truly hate the stretch marks that have become so prominent around there. I have tried a few creams that claim to eliminate stretch marks and they didn’t solve the problem. Please help!!!
I wonder if there are things I could have done to prevent it… just asking!
Stretch marks can happen whenever skin is stretched quicker than it can accommodate. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also affect your skin and make you more likely to get stretch marks.
There is limited evidence as to the efficacy of creams that claim to treat stretch marks. Stretch marks will fade over time, but may not completely disappear. Available corrective treatments include a tummy tuck, which is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess fat and skin from the abdomen.
An innovative non-surgical method called thread lifting is a less invasive option for correcting sagging skin. A tiny barbed thread is inserted into the target area and the skin is carefully pulled up to create a natural-looking lift.
Micro-needling is another minimally invasive treatment that offers great benefit for stretch marks. With skin needling, the doctor causes a controlled injury to the patient’s skin and a healing process is prompted. Improvement is noted after a few sessions as the skin begins to re-heal itself.
Stretch marks aren’t always preventable, but there are some factors that lower your chances of getting them such as avoiding rapid weight changes, especially during pregnancy. A healthy and balanced diet is encouraged during pregnancy.
Question answered by Dr. Uju Rapu
……..Culled from tw OCTOBER 2016 Edition.
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