Fade Ogunro Becomes the 1st Black Woman to Sit on the Cherie Blair Foundation Board!

Nigerian techpreneur Fade Ogunro has some amazing news! She has been announced as the first black female on the board of the Cherie Blair Foundation.
The foundation for women, whose goal is to help women in low and middle-income countries realize their full potential, made the announcement today. Here’s what they posted;
Fade, who is also the CEO of Bookings Africa has been sharing her excitement on her new role. Here’s what Fade had to say on her amazing appointment;
I’m delighted to join the @cherieblairfndn Global Campaign Board, helping them to raise much needed funds and awareness across West Africa.
It’s my dream to build great leaders, drive gender equality and reduce the rate of unemployment across Africa. I believe this can be rapidly achieved through digital adoption and inclusion; where learning, training, delivering a service and making money is done digitally.
Sub-Saharan African economies lose nearly $100 billion a year because of gender gap in the labour market and side by side with the Foundation, I am looking forward to contributing to minimizing that loss.
We are very excited to Fade and look forward to seeing more women sitting front and centre!
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