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Quick, No Bake, Summer Berry Cheesecake

Quick, No Bake, Summer Berry Cheesecake

With some cream and biscuits, you can whip up a lovely dessert using this simple recipe. Raspberries might be difficult to find but you could substitute with grapes.

Try it out, take pics and lets see!

Ingredients for the cheese cake

1 cup of cream cheese

½ a cup of icing sugar

1 cup of cream

1 tablespoon of Lemon juice

Ingredients for the biscuit base

½ a packet of oatmeal biscuits (e.g, Digestive, Hobnobs)

¼ cup of butter

Ingredients for the Berries Topping

1 cup of Raspberry/berry grapes

¾ cup of sugar

1 tablespoon of cornstarch

¼ cup of water

See Also

1 tablespoon of Lemon juice


For the Biscuit Base

  • Crush the biscuits.
  • Melt the butter.
  • Pour the crushed biscuits and butter into a food processor/mixer and blend till the mixture is brown and sticky.
  • Spread the mixture on the base of a baking pan/dish and leave in the fridge for 15 mins.

For the Cheese cake

  • Pour the cream cheese, icing sugar, cream and lemon juice in a mixer and blend till smooth.
  • Scoop out the mixture and spread on the biscuit base.
  • Freeze for 3 hours and serve cold.

For the Berry Topping

  • Pour the berries, Lemon Juice, cornstarch, water and sugar into a pot and boil to your desired thickness
  • Pour into a bowl and allow to cool.

That was simple and quick, wasn’t it?

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