Have you ever been running late to work and then you’re stuck in
traffic and suddenly you remember you haven’t done your makeup? You
make use of the opportunity.
What do they say about time again?
So here’s a quick and easy makeup tutorial to keep you busy during
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Brow pencil, mascara wand/spoolie, foundation/concealer, angled
brush, eyeshadow and face base, powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner and
1. Get your eyebrows done
2. Put a bit of foundation/concealer on your lid. This evens out the
skin tone of the lid. After that apply some powder on it.
3. Apply an eyeshadow base, if you don’t have refer to step 2
It can also serve as a base, then blend it.
4. Apply your shadow, you can use one coloUr just like it did, it’s
5. Blend Blend Blend.
6. Line your upper and lower lid and use mascara.
7. Apply your face primer. It is very important. It protects the
face from all the chemicals from the products. It also aids in
applying the foundation smoothly.
8. Apply foundation.
9. Blend Blend Blend.
10. Apply powder.
11. Lipstick.
12. Take a beautiful selfie and walk into your office like a boss.
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