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Once done with getting an education, many of us just cant wait to get that ideal job and get started on our career, aiming for that great promotion that will land one at the top! While some do achieve their aim and are happy, we know quite well that there are others who find themselves stuck and tired, when they are not even half way there!

If that is where you find yourself right now, these tips should help you reignite that passion, on your journey to the future you envisaged, career-wise.  We have selected some great career-advancing moves from amongst many in the book, Career Moves, written by Dondi Scumaci, a leadership development expert.


1. Recognise The Moving Signs.

This is the first step to even knowing there is a need for change. You will know you are there, when you no longer feel any sense of achievement or happiness from your job, or when you feel like there’s something more you should be doing. At that point, you need to make that move.

2. Make Inside Moves!

This point recognises that movement doesn’t have to be out of your current job. You can always reinvent yourself by learning a useful additional skill. You could also look for, and act on opportunities within your organisation in which you are sure to excel.

3. Make Bold Moves!

Don’t be lethargic. Learn as much as you can about your organisation’s vision and mission, find opportunities to work on, seek advice from people who can help you succeed, and be forward-thinking; think about what you will need to be more successful.

4. Make Your Moves Count.

You can do this by setting yourself apart. Sell the value of your work to people, provide them your unique selling point and show them how you are different from the majority. To do this, you have to think up careful and strategic plans (as in number 6 below) that will last and place you in the path of your desired future.

5. Make Inspiring Moves.

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Demonstrate initiative and leadership even in that male dominated job and show them that you’ve got potential.

6. Make Strategic Moves.

Don’t just go bustling into the job market without having a plan. Explore your purpose and possibilities by making a mind map.  A mind map is like a diary; you shake up your brain, brainstorm and arrange your ideas logically so that they begin to have a clear pattern and purpose. Begin with a centralized idea (what you have a passion for), then let your thoughts take you from there as you map out ways to achieve your goals.

7. Move out!

When you have exhausted all your options and you still can’t find that happiness that you desire in your career, we can both agree that it is time to pack your bags and leave. But ensure that you have a strategic plan that’ll help you get a better job.

Take control of your career and enjoy your job today!

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