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Chick Chat With Cornelia O’Dwyer: Would You Marry A Pastor?

Chick Chat With Cornelia O’Dwyer: Would You Marry A Pastor?


Hello Guys! It’s #TalkTuesday A.K.A #ChickChat. #Read #Comment #Enjoy. #TWLife #TWChickChat

So I’ve been single like forever and the older I get I find it more difficult to find a guy on my wave length. I am 34, career focused and just made partner at my law firm. I can afford myself and way more and I couldn’t be more fulfilled career wise. About two years ago I started to worry/panic that I won’t find anyone who matches my ideal prototype. I’ve cultivated confidence and a sense of self worth over years because I grew up with my dad who had bull headed confidence and this seems to intimidate men. My mom passed away very early so self assurance was something I witnessed daily.

The older I become, it seems one is expected to be ‘open’ and accepting to all and sundry but I think it would have been easier to bamboozle me in my earlier days. So my still single ass keeps coming up amongst friends and family and they all want to know why I won’t give this particular guy a chance. He has a good job (we make the same salary which I feel would be a problem with his 47 year old arrogance. He is too stuck in his ways and worst of all, he is a PASTOR! I know this sounds bad that I see it as the worst but that stopped me from liking him more.

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We talk and get along as friends but I just can’t pretend that I can go with the flow. I’m more realistic and too self aware to pretend that I can put up with this all in the name of “compromise” like my God mother stated.

I think it’s generally harder when it’s the man who finds Christ and devotes himself to God. To everyone he is the ideal candidate.  But he is always in church, wakes up crazy early to pray. He loves that our “friendship” is deepening and sees us together forever which was sweet but I don’t see my self marrying him so I can’t “give it a chance”. My God mother keeps singing it in my ear that I have my priorities wrong and a man after Gods heart should be all i desire. Am I wrong for not being ‘about that life’. Am I blocking spiritual growth by not giving in to growing in the Lord with a praying husband..Fasting and 24/7 church. Surely this is a virtue but I don’t see that being my life. So, as a Christian, am I guilty of not wanting ‘too much Christ’ by saying no to a pastor. I’m emotionally troubled. Should I give him a chance?

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