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3 Reasons Why Your Phone Is Slow

3 Reasons Why Your Phone Is Slow


By Oma Ehiri

A lot of times, we realise that our phones are either hanging or taking a lot of time to load but cannot figure out why. Many people sometimes restart their phones hoping that things will get better and sometimes it does. But once you resume all you were doing before your phone crashed, it goes back to being slow! Aaaargh!!!!!

This article is aimed at helping you understand some of the reasons why your phone is slower than normal.

When companies release a new version of their software and request that users run an upgrade, we sometimes ignore it. What we do not realise is that the upgrade tends to fix a number of bugs and lapses that you may be experiencing. Do away with the old version and get an upgrade. This could actually help your phone work better as long as it is compatible with the new version.

Just like any other device that you use to access the internet, if you use your phone to access the internet or share files, there is a probability that your phone will be susceptible to viruses. Viruses definitely cause your phone to act differently thus making it load slowly. In order to deal with this, download an antivirus on your device but make sure just one antivirus is running on your phone at a time.

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Despite the proliferation of applications by the different stores, not everyone can work with your phone. Only download applications that are compatible with your device. Also, ensure to keep these applications up-to-date but try turning off the automatic update feature as that affects your processor. Thirdly, when you are not using any application, close it. When you have too many running in the background, your phone is bound to process slowly.

Any more ideas on why our phones are running slow?

Image via KTXDTV


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