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Mental Health NGO – She Writes Woman, Partners with WARIF to take on Mental Health of Sexual Violence Survivors

Mental Health NGO – She Writes Woman, Partners with WARIF to take on Mental Health of Sexual Violence Survivors

She Writes Woman

She Writes Woman and WARIF (Women At Risk International Foundation have teamed up to support more survivors of gender-based violence.

In response to the rise in gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic, She Writes Woman in partnership with WARIF will be utilizing a confidential support group, and 24/7 crisis counselling helpline as a first point of contact for survivors of gender-based violence, as well as those living with mental health conditions. Victims will get access to a confidential service, providing them with psychosocial support and counselling, to reduce the risk of escalation during this COVID-19 crisis, while also scaling up advocacy on gender-based violence in Nigeria.

Since various versions of lockdown were put in place across Nigeria in March when the country recorded active COVID-19 cases, reported cases of gender-based violence have significantly risen. The Minister for Women Affairs and Social Development, Senator Pauline Tallen commented that no fewer than 3,600 rape cases were recorded during the lockdown. This indicates an upsurge nationwide. Statistics according to the International Growth Centre show that in three of the nation’s most populous cities (Lagos, Abuja and Ogun state), gender-based violence informed cases rose from 60 in March to 238 in April, an increase of 297%.

She Writes Woman

There has been a widespread of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) particularly among young
women and girls in Nigeria which has led to a significant increase in mental health stressors. This has consequently increased the likelihood of conditions like depression, anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the country.

With the strict movement restrictions in place, gender-based violence survivors, as well as vulnerable women, have been unable to access crisis centres, physical therapy groups and emergency centres. This made them rely solely on helplines to receive counselling support as well as any other required need.

See Also

During this COVID-19 response project, She Writes Woman is partnering with Women At Risk International Foundation (WARIF) to provide broad-based group and confidential 1:1
counselling services, as well as virtual support groups for victims of gender-based violence. The organization also runs a 24/7 toll-free sexual violence response helpline. All interested attendees can sign up via by the 3rd of August.

Funded by One Young World, this COVID-19 Young Leaders fund was created to fund initiatives from young leaders around the world which are directly battling the Coronavirus pandemic with tangible front-line results. Activities led by the One Young World Community alone have directly impacted 26 million people since 2010.

Photo Credit: @SheWritesWoman (Instagram) |

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