Kenyans Demand Justice for Teen That Was Gang Raped & Left for Dead. Rapists Punishment? Cutting The Grass!


Kenyans are still outraged by the outcome of a terrible situation that occurred several weeks ago in which a teenage girl was raped & left for dead, According to CNN reports, : the teenager (name withheld) was allegedly gang-raped, dumped in a sewage ditch and left for dead. Her alleged attackers’ only punishment? To cut the grass in front of a police station.

The Daily Nation, the Kenyan newspaper that originally reported the story, said that the 16-year-old, nicknamed Liz, was walking home from her grandfather’s funeral in Busia when she was attacked by six men and then buried in a 20-foot latrine. Neighbors near the area heard cries for help hours later and pulled her out of the ditch, finding her bloody and unconscious. After identifying three of the attackers, police ordered them to cut the grass and set let them go. The Daily Nation is currently holding a fundraiser to help meet the medical bills for the teenage girl, who is currently using a wheelchair and suffering from uncontrollable bowel conditions.

Although the attack occurred weeks ago, Kenyan activists are not letting the situation go until justice has been served. The outcry has spread on social media through hashtags #JusticeforLiz and #StandwithLiz. Public demands have been made to arrest the suspects and the officers who gave them the smack-on-the-wrist punishment.

“This is yet another example of blatant impunity and repeated noncompliance by the police and other government authorities. Rape and other gender crimes have consistently been treated as lesser crimes — this is unacceptable,” Kenya’s Coalition on Violence against Women said in a statement.

See Also

The global campaign network Avaaz launched an online petition regarding Liz. Over the weekend, the group collected more than 1 million signatures.

Culled From Clutch

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