The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa to Host West Africa Business Forum in September!

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), through its Subregional Office for West Africa, has announced her invitation to sector champions in various industries to be a part of Regional Business Forum structured around high-level meetings, consultations with Business Champions, the youth and women in the West African business ecosystems.
The 3-day Forum will be held in Lagos, Nigeria from September 21st – 23rd, 2021 using a hybrid format i.e. physical and virtual, due to COVID-19.
The Regional Business Forum will be held in collaboration with strategic partners from across the region/Continent at, bringing together women and youth from across the 15 West African countries, business leaders, the private sector, and SMEs. The forum is set to encompass various activities such as panel discussions, exhibitions, mentoring sessions, presentations and many more.
The West Africa Business Forum is the first edition in a series of stakeholders’ engagements by the Economic Commission for Africa with top business leaders, and sector champions in Africa.
The theme of the first-ever forum is “Empowering Women and Youths to Spur Africa’s Transformation Agenda”. With Africa being the youngest continent and a projection of Africans constituting a whopping quarter of the world’s labour force by 2050 due to high fertility and declining child mortality rates, it has become imperative to pivot the continent’s demographic dynamics for sustainable development.
The forum is an initiative of the sub-regional Office for West Africa of ECA in partnership with Compass Global Business Services, working with a host of Coalition Partners, such as the International Trade Centre, International Labour Office, ECOWAS, Organization of Trade Unions of West Africa, Lagos Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Neca’s Network of Entrepreneurial Women, Association of Nigerian Women Business Network (ANWBN), WIMBIZ, Junior Chamber International- Nigeria, Cameroon, a host of Youth Organizations, and Women Networks across the Region.
Please click on the link to register:
The languages of the Forum are English and French with interpretation services made available.
For more information please send an email to and copy
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