These Benefits of Sex in Relationships Will Leave You Healthier & Happier!

How you see the benefits of sex in relationships depends on how you see your relationship. Sex can be seen as either important or unimportant, depending on the type of relationship in question.
Asexual relationships where sex is mutually unimportant or undesired, the benefits of sex might not be appealing. And even though this type of relationship is just as valid, loving and intimate as any other relationship, its views on sex is more platonic. However, in cases where sex is a given, it is very important that the topic is handled delicately, with a desire to understand and reap from all its benefits.
So, what are the benefits of sex in relationships?
Health Benefits

Beyond the emotional benefits, there is a slew of health perks that come with intercourse. According to licensed clinical psychologist Sarah Schewitz, PsyD, “It is important to realize that there are a lot of ways of being intimate physically: deep kissing, handjobs, mutual masturbation, even watching porn together.” This all lends credibility to the fact that the physical rewards of sex arent reserved for penetrative sex alone.
Studies show that people who have intercourse regularly were found to have higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA). This antibody, according to researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, helps combat diseases and keeps the body safe from colds and the flu. Beyond this, sex helps us sleep more comfortably, and through better sleep, sex creates a stronger immune system. The peptide hormone – Oxytocin – is typically released during orgasms, and this release promotes more restful sleep for both individuals.
A great plus is that it helps other areas of the body as well. Sex increases the levels of Oxytocin going to the brain and decreases heart problems in both women and men.
Self-Developmental Benefits

Now according to sex therapist Sandor Gardos, “when things go well in bed, you feel more confident and powerful in other parts of your life,” therefore making us more daring and uninhibited in life. Let’s not forget to mention that sex boosts self–esteem, the sense of being attractive, desirable, proficient and confident. And all of this, in turn, brings positive thinking and actions into our personal lives.
Intimacy Benefits

And last but definitely not the least, sex is an expert at promoting bonding. In relationships, an increase in intimacy due to loving physical contact results in a high level of Oxytocin production. Because of this, we develope the urge to bond, which is where the desire to cuddle comes from.
Can all these benefits guarantee that you have the best sex of your life? No! That’s kind of where love comes in. Sex with someone you are not in love with can still be pleasurable but doesn’t fulfil the emotional need. And this is why it is better to save sex for someone you care about – it’s usually 10x better!
Photo Credit: WellAndGood | DaMajority | DatingWithDignity | NegusWhoread
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