Staying Attractive in Marriage

Image credits: Wendy Ida’s Instagram (@wendyidafitness)

Attraction and desire are part of the fuel that keep a marriage running. A lot of people report falling out of love with each other as their reason for divorce. Everyone wants to be desired, and everyone in turn wants to be with someone they desire. However, a lot of people let go of themselves through bad diets, unhealthy habits, inadequate rest and so on, and later try to figure out how the passion their partner once had for them faded.

Staying attractive – not youthful – is a huge turn on in any relationship, there’s a certain pride that comes with knowing your spouse is attractive, not only to you, but to others. This can be difficult especially when taking age and the stress of daily life into consideration. Still, it is possible and these five tips will help you stay in the best shape possible and keep you desirable to your partner.


1.    Healthy diet

You already know how this goes: eat less sugar, drink more water, introduce fruits and vegetables to your diet, cut down on fried foods and generally make your diet more varied.

2.    Exercise

Exercise goes beyond losing weight, apart from it’s numerous benefits, exercise keeps your muscles strong and toned; for example, push ups strengthen the muscles under your breasts and helps keep them firm.

3.    Bodily care and personal hygiene

Nobody wants to cuddle up with a person who smells. Also, no man wants a partner who looks like his mom or aunty, take care of your skin. Read any of our skin care articles for tips to keep your skin in good condition.

4.    Dress for your partner from time to time

Nothing drives desire in a man, more than seeing his already gorgeous wife in a dress he bought for her, or a perfume he likes. And apart from desire, it shows you care and pay attention to their wants.

5.    Take an interest in your partner’s interest

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You don’t have to adopt or go deep into an interest, but having a general knowledge about the things your partner is interested in will definitely make your partner see you in a new light. It doesn’t take much, a Google search and a few articles with do the trick.

It might seem like a lot of work, but staying attractive in a marriage is a matter of showing care; showing you care for yourself and showing you care for your partner.

So go do these things and watch you partner increasingly pine for you.


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