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Being Single Can Improve Your Life

Being Single Can Improve Your Life

Single people are often thought to be unhappy by others. According to the experts, these stereotypes are far from the truth. A study in 2008 found single people reporting levels of well-being similar to participants in relationships. Living a romance free life has various benefits such as;

An uncluttered mind

Intimacy and partnership take up a lot of mental space. Even though it’s majorly unconscious, there’s simply a lesser capacity for individually focused thought. Emotional discord can also be said to be “all-consuming”, resulting in stress. Such stress can inhibit people’s happiness by them from living in the now.



A lot of people lose themselves to relationships but that can largely be attributed to not doing things independently. Time to focus on personal growth and development is extremely necessary for the person involved and the benefit of partners in future relationships. Time moves uninhibited and as we grow, our ideals grow and change. Dr. Taitz, psychologist and author, says being single can provide critical time to figure out who you are and what you stand for.

Training financial responsibility

One of the perks of being in relationships is often partners share responsibilities and financial burdens but experts say that being single will encourage and incentivize frugality and financial independence. When expenses aren’t shared, it gives rise to resourcefulness and self-reliance.

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An expert says when you’re alone, there’s a strength that almost has to be there because we tend to rely on our partners a lot more than we need to. Solitude breeds self-reflection and self-reflection breeds confidence. The best relationships tend to occur when you have a good understanding of your values, wants, and needs.

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Being alone can lead to self-sufficiency. People are more willing to roll with the punches, feeling free from constraints. Experts say you’re more likely to take risks, have adventures and have more novelty within your journey. Some people also explain how they feel extreme bursts of creativity from within, being fully expressive and immersed in activities, alone and with others.


Some of the concepts aren’t exclusive to being single, as they can also be attained being in a relationship. However, people have different levels of perception, learning and adapting to things differently to one another. Understanding these concepts can greatly improve your general life, within and without a relationship, with immediate evident improvement in future relationships.


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