“Please whether Catholic or not, it is NEVER advisable to stay in an abusive relationship”.

Hello Ehimemen.
I assume you have been married for about three years because you speak of having lost 2 children in the past three years and you now have one infant. If my guess is right then its early days yet in a journey of a lifetime, but there are two good things about what’s happening to you right now: It could be a good time to right a wrong, if one has been made, because you can then get on with the rest of your life.
Secondly, the challenge could also present an opportunity to cement the building blocks of a lasting relationship, because steps can be taken to make your marriage bonds grow stronger.
Please whether Catholic or not, it is NEVER advisable to stay in an abusive relationship. The church cannot divorce because the church didn’t marry you. You and your husband made a choice before God, and you can still make the choice to split. Since the Church minister witnessed it, they will have to give consent to annul if it is proven that either one or both parties lied to each other about something really fundamental, like an undisclosed mental illness for example.
Saying Divorce is not an option seems like a doomsday prophecy, and this could be so disheartening causing inertia on your part. The only thing constant in life is change.
Do you have any other piece of advice for her? kindly comment below, you can also be part of this community. Simply send me any question you’d like for me to answer, right here or send an email to adesuwa@twmagazine.net!
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