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#MondayMotivation – Before You Make Your New Year Resolutions

#MondayMotivation – Before You Make Your New Year Resolutions

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With less than a month to the end of 2018, a lot of people have closed the ‘fully functioning’ tab in their brains and are ready to settle fully into holiday mode.

Even though that’s not such a bad idea as you probably have been working for 11 months, we would love to remind you that It’s not too late to get something amazing done.

The decorations are up, books are already being tidied up and the entire Christmas festive season is in the air. This period can cause us to slack in our work, and settle for less, after all the year is closing and we can try again next year #NewYearResolutions.

So we’ve come up with three ways to get your brain and creativity fired up for the remaining days of the year.

  1. Mindset shift

Mindset is everything. I believe in positive synergy: that a positive mindset gives a more hopeful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great. Quoting popular American quarterback Russell Wilson: “A whole lot can be achieved if we harness the power of our minds to start believing that everything is possible and we can get things done.” So do the mindset shift and get to work. It’s not over until it’s over.

  1. Set a schedule

Planning is key. Dust out your forgotten goals book for this year, set a to do agenda, look through it daily for anything you can cross off to make you get closer to your goals. The tiniest things count in building momentum

See Also

  1. Clean your space

Declutter all those unnecessary pieces of papers on your desk and drawers, the ones you’ve accumulated over the year. Hello E files. Clean your cabinets and properly store old files and notes where they rightfully belong. Fast gaining traction in today’s world is minimalism. A term that describes a lifestyle of less for more; according to minimalist culture, clutter is mental. A physically cluttered environment can lead to a cluttered mind and a cluttered mind is anti-productive and anti-innovative. So take a minute to clear your desk, you’ll be freeing up mental space and inspiring innovation.

December is a period of festivity, and indulgence, but if you didn’t put in the work earlier the indulgence won’t be as gratifying as it should. There’s still time to change that, follow these tips, and fully commit to putting in whatever work is left, no matter how small. Your holiday self will thank you for it.


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