Grow Your Butt in No Time with these Workouts from EveolveByGD!

How to Grow Your Butt

What are some of the major problem areas for women? The stomach, arms and the butt. And today, we’re taking a look at how to grow your butt.

Nowadays, a lot of women opt for surgery and forego the pleasure of putting in the work and getting to see results grow. Not that there’s anything wrong with the surgery, but there is something therapeutic about hitting the gym.

So if you’re looking for a great way to grow your butt, we have a great video for you. Deborah Giwa, a fitness enthusiast is showing us how she grows and maintains her booty with a simple exercise routine.

How to Grow Your Butt

Get your gym wear ready ladies because it’s time to work.

Here is the workout routine:
1. Dumbbell sumo squats
2. Dumbbell reverse lunges
3. Stiff leg deadlift
4. Glute bridge
5. Dumbell step up work out

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Photo Credit: EvolvebyGD (Instagram)

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