How to Know if You’re Underweight and What to Do About it

Today’s health and fitness column broaches the other side of weight training: weight gain. Usually considered a pariah, especially among us women, articles on how to gain weight aren’t given as much attention as they should receive, which is unfortunate, because some of you out there need to add on a few pounds.
To kick off, we’ll start with an important question: “how do I know I’m underweight?” Well, there’s no clear way to know for sure, it usually starts with a suspicion. However, there are signs you can look for to determine how healthy your weight is:
The first way to check, is to measure your Body-Mass Index (BMI), which is the ratio of your height to your weight. There are online calculators that make it easy to measure, here is one you can use. The general rule is that if your BMI falls below 18.5, you’re unhealthy; however, thanks to the complexity of the human body, this isn’t necessarily true, still, it is a sign that you should see your doctor

- Your General Appearance
Now, there are skinny people out there; being skinny isn’t a sign you’re underweight. Still, if you find yourself constantly feeling fatigued, and find that your skin is thin and dry, and veins are popping out like streams on your skin, then you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
- Bodily symptoms
Other signs of being underweight include: fragile bones, hair loss, irregular menstrual period, problems getting pregnant, fatigue and dizziness (caused by a deficiency in red blood cells) and constant illness or severe forms of basic illnesses (caused by a weakened immune system).
Note, that you have these symptoms doesn’t mean you’re underweight; your doctor is the best source for confirmation. Go see him/her if you experience these symptoms, or are scared that your BMI is too low.
If you’ve confirmed that you’re indeed underweight, here are three tips to help you top up:
- Exercise:
Mostly strength training, this will help you build muscles, and gain weight
- Eat more:
Because you’re underweight, your body is used to consuming less food than it needs, making you feel full faster. It’s time to ignore its cries, strategically of course. Eat five to six small meals a day, rather than two or three large ones, and try to reduce the number of fluids you consume during meals, as these also aid to make you feel full faster.

- Choose nutrient rich foods:
That you’re underweight is not an excuse to go on a junk food run. Turn your attention instead to nutrient rich foods, such as whole grain bread, pasta and cereal, protein rich foods (like meat, eggs, beans), fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
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