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Steam Your Way To Beautiful Skin!

Steam Your Way To Beautiful Skin!

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So, guess what?

My mother has been going through a rough patch with her skin. All of a sudden, she started getting pimples and she even had to give up eating her beloved groundnuts because the situation had gotten out of hand! Well being a resourceful woman, she did some research online and she found out that Face Steaming could help reduce the pimples. So, she decided to try it and the results were AMAZING! She still has some pimples here and there, but her face is a lot better than it was some weeks ago.

I had always done the normal routine skin regimen (cleanse, tone, moisturize, exfoliate and so on) but surprisingly, I have never tried face steaming. So being the scary cat that I am, I decided to do some research before I jumped in (don’t blame me; my skin is very sensitive). I ran into an article on Romy & The Bunnies which explained the concept of face steaming in a simple way.


What are the benefits of Face steaming?

  1. It cleanses out your pores: The warm steam causes your face to sweat, which opens the pores and helps soften the surface layer of dead skin cells, releasing dirt and debris that could be the cause of breakouts and would otherwise stay trapped. Also, when steam is applied to the face, it softens blackhead plugs, gently releasing them from follicular openings.
  2. It makes your skin more receptive to other skincare treatments: Once your pores have opened and the dirt and debris have been eliminated, your clean pores can now better absorb products you might use, such as a face mask or serum.
  3. It enhances circulation: Steaming your face triggers a thermo-regulating response in which blood vessels in the skin dilate so more blood can flow to the skin, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissue.
  4. It helps removes toxins: It is a great way to release toxins that could be causing imbalances in your skin.
  5. It promotes relaxation: Steam has a calming effect on the system, and if you add essential oils or herbs to the water, you now have a soothing, healing aromatherapy session in an at home facial steam.

How do you go about steaming your face?

  1. A facial steamer. If you’re trying to recreate your spa facial experience, you can buy an at home facial steamer. Typically, they are simple to use and require little prep and clean-up, but most importantly they deliver the right amount steam for a safe period of time so you don’t damage your skin.

2. Steaming with warm towels. With this method, you submerge clean towels in hot water, wring them out, allow them to cool down to a comfortably warm temperature, and then apply them to your face.

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3. Bowl of steaming water.  Bring a pot of water to a boil, transfer the water to a ceramic or glass bowl, drape a towel over your head and the bowl, trapping the steam. Place your face close enough to the steam so you feel it on your face, but not so close that your skin feels like it is burning or overheating.

Important Tips

  • Steam for a minimum of 5 minutes, and no more than 10 minutes.
  • Steam no more than once a week for the best results.
  • Remember, if you have severe acne or a serious skin condition, please consult your physician before doing an at-home facial steam.

Will you try it this weekend?

Let me know in the comments section below!!

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