We go back in time to some of the beauty ingredients that are hidden in many of the products we use today.

Makeup and beauty products are not the exclusive preserve of today’s woman, most of the beauty products we use today are age-long and were used by our mothers back in the day.

Tiro: Called Tausali in the North, Uri Anya in the East, and Tiro in the South West Nigeria this traditional eyeliner in times past is what is known as Kajal in modern times. It is reminiscent of the famous heavily lined eyes of Cleopatra. Traditionally the eye-liner was believed to have a medicinal effect.


Shea Butter: Though these days, with the right foundation you can achieve a flawless skin cover up, makeup artists will tell you, a clear smooth blemish free skin is the best ‘canvas’ to work on, and from time many women achieved this with good old Shea butter. Little wonder that every major cosmetic brand has a product, or two, or even an entire range that proudly announces ‘contains Shea butter’, for its moisturizing qualities.

Black Soap: Another time old skin solution provider is good old ‘black soap’ popular amongst Nigerians and Ghanaians.  Back in the day, black soap was used mostly for its curative efficiency for skin irritations and disease. It was also used to eliminate body odor. It has survived through time and shows up today as neatly packaged skin care brands for women and even babies!


Coconut Oil: popularly called IdiAgbon among the Yorubas and Man’KwaKwa in Hausa, this oil can also be called wonder oil for its many nutritional and beauty benefits. On the beauty side, coconut oil helps prevent damage to the hair, it acts as a fantastic moisturizer and it serves as a sunscreen. Let’s not forget its pleasing aroma, which also serves as a perfume. Coconut oil can also help you lose fat especially belly fat.

See Also
How to Loosen Locs

Whether it is Shea butter or Coconut Oil, quite a number of age long beauty recipes/products really do work. This may be the right time to drill your grandparents for more beauty secrets of their time!




…..Culled from tw December 2015 edition.

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