Is your girl child a sex offender?


A male friend of mine, told me a story of how their maid started molesting him & his kid bro at 6 till they were 12 when she left. However, they made sure the new maid gave them the same treatment because they had come to enjoy it. They threatened the new maid to have sex with them.” – Blecyn

The above quote is part of a twitter thread discussing molestation.

Molestation and sexual abuse is a tough topic that’s been discussed on almost every forum. The most common being the male sex offenders. Today, I’d like to touch a topic that isn’t so much spoken about, and almost completely ignored. The girl child sex offender.

I wish there was a statistic to support this, but sadly, as most of these cases aren’t brought to light, it would be nearly impossible to report on or record this as a general statistic. Based on personal findings, that is, from conversations with male friends and stories I’ve heard from men over time, I can say with certainty, that this is a more common phenomenon than is realized; young boys get sexually molested by older female figures in their lives ranging from friends, to maids to even cousins.

Abuse is completely unacceptable, and should be stopped at the first opportunity. It affects a cycle when ignored and could be the reason so many adult sex offenders freely walk the streets and commit their crimes unnoticed.

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It would seem very normal for a boy who had his first sexual experience at the age of 10 to later think it’s okay to do the same to a girl of that age. This threat to children is very real and shouldn’t be dealt with lightly.

Kids require special attention, and only know what they are taught. As a parent, you are the first sex educator your child has to have. He/she would be open to experimentation if they have to learn about the birds and the bees elsewhere and possibly encounter a cycle of molestation, rape, or hyper sexuality. It is also imperative, you listen to your kids and ask them questions about the relatives or whomever they are alone with; to protect their health, minds, and their innocence.

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