Monday Motivation Matters: Stop Doing What’s Easy, Start Doing What’s Right

I believe there should be a huge question mark that comes with doing what is right. The truth is, most times, what is right isn’t always easy, and what’s easy isn’t always right.
In our bid to do and be better, it is important to be able to distinguish between the two, and figure out which weighs more in importance. For example, sitting still and wishing is easy. In fact, it might be one of the easiest things to do. However, choosing to get up, make the right moves, exert yourself and work hard is the right thing to do. But it isn’t always easy.
So what’s my point? It’s simple really. Decide today not to sit back and take the easy route to live life to the maximum. That route is usually paved with complacency, laziness and a lack of drive. Instead, make the albeit harder decision to do the right thing by working hard. Work like your life depends on it because chances are it does.
Granted, doing what’s right is scary. In fact, it might be the scariest thing you’ll ever do. After all, it is easier to stand by and watch as women are being sexually harassed than to do the right but scary thing and speak up about it. It is easier to keep quiet when Nigerians are being slaughtered in South Africa than do the right but scary thing and raise your voice and act against it. It’s even easier to accept your current situation and not push to grow out of it than do the right but scary thing and start your own business.
But, where has ‘doing the easy thing’ ever gotten anyone?
My charge to you today is to drop the excuses and the easy tactics and do the right thing. Take the lead, make the move, start that business and do the right thing today.
Photo Credit: Christina Morillo/Pexels
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