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An idea is only the first step

An idea is only the first step

I read an article on that said: “An idea is much more valuable than any skill-set you can learn on YouTube”. I believe this to be incomplete. Let me explain…

Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of 2,500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour. One could easily sift out 3-5 groundbreaking ideas from this sea of thoughts. But is the idea in itself enough to be considered valuable?

An acquired skillset – even one from youtube – can be considered actionable and would readily bear fruits once the cog finds its wheel. 

An idea, however, is intangible and is only as useful as the action that follows it.

One can have as many ideas as they have thoughts in a day and still make no meaning of it.

The key is action.

Let’s use Facebook as a case study. I don’t know how many of you know this but the maiden idea for Facebook was actually the brainchild of the Winklevoss twins – school colleagues of Mr. Zuckerburg.

They had the idea, but lacked the skill set and ultimately the vision to carry it through. 

Today, Mark (with an estimated net worth of $71 billion) is the 5th richest man in the world. Talk about initiative…

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This simply proves that an idea alone isn’t enough. The more action put into it, the more value it amasses. All it takes is a step in the right direction, and the motivation to keep pushing. 

And if it feels like the internet isn’t of particular help, you can always hire someone who has the right skillset. 

In foresight, the mistakes of the Winklevosses (who still became billionaires anyway), should teach you to prepare documents that will keep your brainchild safe from the technicalities of a “she said, he said” agreement. 

So take the step, grab the initiative and stay motivated!

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